St James The Apostle Parish


Mission Statement


St. James the Apostle Catholic Church is called by God to be a Christ Centered Loving family under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, dedicated to proclaiming the Gospel and serving Christ in our Catholic Church and in our community.


St. James the Apostle Roman Catholic Church

Mass Times

8:30 am Daily Mass is in the Chapel, except when there is a school Mass on Thursday which will be in the Church.
The Chapel is open Monday - Thursday 9:00 am until 2:00 pm for private prayer.

Weekend Masses are in the Church
Saturday Vigil Mass at 4:00 PM
Sunday Masses at 9:00 AM, 11:00 AM includes ASL interpretation
The Polish Mass on Sunday is in the Chapel at 10:00 AM


  • Saturday: 3:00 PM - 3:30 PM
  • Friday: 9:00 AM - 9:30 AM 

Office Hours

9:00 AM to 1:00 PM Monday through Thursday
Office Phone 727-869-3130




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Rosary Makers Ministry

We would like to start a
Rosary Makers Ministry here at St. James.

The Rosary Makers Group at St. Theresa in Spring Hill have graciously offered to teach us how to make them so that we can start our group here at St. James.  All are welcome:

Tuesday, March 4 from 9 -  11 AM
St. Theresa Church Antonio Rosmini Hall (meeting rm #4)
1107 Commercial Way, Spring Hill

Join the Rosary Makers and meet others who share your love of the Rosary.  Learn to make mission rosaries. 

Contact Mary in the Parish Office or e-mail her


What are you doing for Lent?

It’s hard to believe, but Lent begins next week!  Ash Wednesday is on March 5.  Don’t forget to go to Mass (8:30 AM & 7 PM)

Here’s a prayer to get you ready. 

Check out this web site for the Best Lent Ever:

Complete Guide to Catholic Lent 2025 | Dynamic Catholic


Courageously Living the Gospel

Online Giving is Easy! Click or Scan


  • Bishop Larkin Catholic School: (727) 862-6981
  • Bishop McLaughlin High School: (727) 857-2600


Diocese of St Petersburg Accountability

The Diocese of St. Petersburg acknowledges the pain and suffering victims endure and we recognize the courage that is required to speak about abuse. We express a profound sense of solidarity and concern for victims and when victims come forward, we provide counseling and spiritual assistance, and other support services as deemed appropriate.

Click here: Diocese of St Petersburg Accountability

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